Bonsai Shop
Bonsai Pot Shohin size rectangular unglazed stoneware 22x13x5cm
Bonsai Pottery Blow Up unglazed shohin size 26x20x4cm
Bonsai Pot Shohin size rectangular unglazed stoneware20,5x20,5x10cm
Bonsai Pot Shohin size rectangular unglazed stoneware 23x15x6,5
Bonsai Pot geometric with straight feet unglazed 7,5 x 8 x 4cm
Bonsai Pot geometric with straight feet unglazed 8 x 8 x 7cm
Bonsai Pot geometric with straight feet unglazed 11,5x7cm
Bonsai Pot brown stoneware shohin size unglazed rectangular 19x19x10cm
Bonsai Pottery square DIN A4 unglazed shohin size 30x20cm
Shohin size Bonsai Pot square unglazed with oxide for landscapes 25,5x
Shohin size Bonsai Pot square unglazed with oxide for landscapes 13,5x
Shohin Größe Bonsai Schale quadratisch unglasiert mit Oxid 13,5x3,5cm
Bonsai Pot stoneware shohin size glazed rectangular 19x19x10cm
Wabi Sabi Bonsai Pot stoneware shohin size unglazed rectangular 30x30x12cm
octagonal unglazed Bonsai Pottery 28x10cm
Schale quadratisch unglasiert für Landschaften mit Steinstruktur 25x15x10cm
Tray square unglazed with 250g tamagahane iron ore 20x15x10cm
Schale rechteckig unglasiert für Landschaften mit Loch für Steine 42x30x12cm
Bonsai Pottery rectangular unglazed for landscapes size 42x30x12cm